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Leith Chiropractic Clinic

Queen Charlotte Street, Edinburgh, EH6.

We've been providing natural chiropractic health care to our clients, since 2003, from our Queen Charlotte Street location in Leith. Based in Queen Charlotte Street, Leith, Leith Chiropractic Clinic is a chiropractor/ osteopath.


Business Details

Through chiropractic care we aim to offer you the highest standards of care, giving you relief from your present complaint, preventing the symptoms from returning and keeping your body in optimal condition. The beauty of chiropractic is that it gets to the cause of your problem, going beyond simply treating your symptoms. Most people think that chiropractic is for neck and lower back pain. However, chiropractic can help a whole range of problems including: headaches, migraines, neck and shoulder pain, asthma, recurrent coughs, lower back pain and sciatica. We also treat lots of pregnant mums as well as children with various health issues..

Contact Information

Leith Chiropractic Clinic
56 Queen Charlotte Street, Leith
Telephone: 0131 554 5855

Type of Business

Leith Chiropractic Clinic are listed in the chiropractors/ osteopaths section here:


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Further Information

Leith Chiropractic Clinic is in Queen Charlotte Street Leith. You can view a list of neighbouring businesses by going to the Queen Charlotte Street page.

If you would like a list of other chiropractors hospitals & medical establishments listings throughout Edinburgh, please visit the Osteopaths and Chiropractors section of this website.


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Leith Chiropractic Clinic on a Map

Map showing business location in Queen Charlotte Street

Note: the pin is positioned at the postcode centre, and may not correspond with the precise location of 56 Queen Charlotte Street, Leith.