A review of Leith Dockers Club Ltd by LIZ TORRES written on Wednesday 19th of March 2008
Hi Frank:
Remember me? I am Liz eldest daughter of Peggy and John Russell. Why dont you print a listing of the original members of the club. I remember so many characters from my youth who use to go there ) I had to pick up "pockle" as I was the smartest of my siblings and cousins. I remember my grandad Dod (George) Falconer was an original founder of the club and had a certificate or some kind of paper to prove it. Dont know what happend to it though? I remember going to the club for Xmas parties when I was a baby I am going to be 55 this year (I admit it). Anyway before they all die out give it a try and find out. Are you a docker?.
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