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"Very disappointing"

A review of Namaste Kathmandu Restaurant by P. Hamilton written on Sunday 6th of April 2008


I just ate at this restaurant and I am very angry. The starter was fine and the service was generally good, but the main course was awful. I begrudged paying for this meal. To add insult to injury the server laughed when I told her in response to her question that I didn't like the meal. You could get a better and cheaper meal at other South Asian restaurants. I had never been and chose it for its proximity to the University. I am not exagerrating when I say it must be one of the worst South Asian restaurants I have ever visited and I have been to many in Canada, the UK and the US. £21 for an awful meal. I didn't even try to finish the main course..

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Namaste Kathmandu Restaurant

Map showing Namaste Kathmandu Restaurant on Forrest Road
