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"A ray of hope in a sea of despair, a truly heart felt recommendation."

A review of Adrian Christie by Christine Ashley written on Wednesday 16th of July 2008


I first saw Adrian Christie over 20 years ago at a time when I was suicidal and could not bear to look at myself. Adrian helped me to make sense of my life and started me on a journey that I would not change for the world.

Although at times things have been very painful, I now have joy in my life as well as a loving husband and a wonderful child. If it had not been for Adrian's support I truly believe that I would not be here.

Over the years I have revisited Adrian on only a couple of occasions but knowing that there is somewhere I can go if things become too difficult has given me great inner strength.

I would have no hesitation in recommending Adrian to anyone who has become unstuck or simply wants support or advice to make changes in their life.

A great big thank you!.

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Adrian Christie

Map showing Adrian Christie on Coates Gardens
