A review of Forth Canoe Club by David Cuthill written on Monday 20th of October 2008
If you want to learn more about canoeing in Scotland Please register on www.ForthCC.Org
ForthCC.Org has a public face, but there's much more: people who have registered, can then log-in.
Once you are logged in, you will read words and pictures that are more personally appropriate. For instance, the shop will show your own account details. You can post to the Clubs Forums. You can use the video-clip player and see the photo-gallery. You will be able to see how many other people are logged-in.
If you are a Forth CC Member, you will see a downloadable powerpoint presentation of the 2007 Financial Report.
So - Please log-in and see what you can do to help deliver the Club's objects of :
Encouraging Canoeing and Furthering Interests of Canoeists.
If you want to learn more about canoeing in Scotland Please register on www.ForthCC.Org.
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