A review of Torphin Hill Golf Club by Jim Anderson written on Saturday 1st of November 2008
Torphin Hill is a fascinating course cleverly squeezed onto its namesake mound. The geography and steep, harsh terrain has allowed the course to be one of the most captivating I have ever played. The landscape is typically Scottish and the views are spectacular from most of the holes making it a good walk. The quality is excellent and the greens-staff clearly have a sense of pride in their work. Fairways are striped to perfection affording the already impressive holes a touch of class. The course is tricky and requires some accuracy but at 5285 yards is represents a shorter but diverse test than other courses in the area and I couldn’t recommend it more.
Telephone: 0131 441 4061
Pro Shop Telephone: 0131 441 4061
Email: torphinhillgc@btconnect.com
Website: www.torphinhillgolfclub.co.uk
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