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"Great Local Facility"

A review of Liberton Bowling Club by Andrew Westinghouse written on Monday 12th of January 2009


As a bowler, I was invited into Liberton Bowling Club as a guest last year ( 2007 )in one of our national competitions and was very and pleasantly surprised to find a very modern, well run club although many of my friends had never heard of it - it just goes to show the hidden bowling quality lurking behind houses, hedges etc. Despite having only five full-size rinks in one direction I got the feeling that a lot still goes on here on both the bowling and social fronts and the view of the Members seems to support the success which the the Club life seems to engender. If I lived closely to this Club I would have no hesitation in seeking membership. Long may they prosper..

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Liberton Bowling Club

Map showing Liberton Bowling Club on Kirkgate
