A review of Wester Hailes Education Centre by English Gal written on Tuesday 17th of April 2007
Hi i am lucy drummond an old student at WHEC when i was there i had the best teachers who helped and cared for the welfare of their students. i miss the high school tremendously and wish i could come beck and visit them at WHEC i spent three years of my life there and was glad to be apart of the school. i miss all of the teachers and all of my best friends. They made me feel as though i belonged evn though i had come up from England. Mrs Forrester would be so proud of me using a computer, and Ms Skene would be proud of my English. The school provided praise postcards, i which would be sent home for parents to further that praise. i received a fair few and still have them in my memory box along with photos of the pupils and teachers. Thank you WHEC for teaching me everything that i know. Yours Lucy Drummond 2001-2004..
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