A review of Berlands Of Edinburgh by Mary written on Wednesday 14th of April 2010
Mary had an old brass lamp
it gave to all a cheery warming glow,
and on the evenings Mary was home
by its light she loved to read or sew.
One day, whilst being dusted,
the little lamp fell from its table, and
landing hard, on the sanded
Georgian floorboards, it broke apart and
from its innards, with a lightning spark,
came the cable!
Mary stood frozen in disbelief,
and from her trembling lips,
the cry, “Oh No, it's busted!”
Then, in the space of a heartbeat,
she remembered there is a place of possible relief.
Gathering up her precious lamp
she hurried through Edinburgh town,
to Gilmore Place and Viewforth
and a shop, to some, yet unknown.
Berland's, chandelier and lamp restoration shop, since 1987, just along
from the ten and twenty seven bus stop.
Mary entered without hesitation.
Please, can you help?” she asked the lady there,
as she placed the little lamp gently on the counter.
Oh yes, the lady replied, it looks as though it can be repaired,
I'm sure the workshop will agree.
Now, just leave the lamp, your name and telephone number with me.
Not long after, Mary had a call
to say her lamp was ready to collect.
A new part had been supplied, to aid the restoration,
then the lamp polished, lacquered, rewired and finally re assembled.
Not difficult at all.
Mary has a lovingly restored brass lamp, it gives
to all around a cheery warming glow
with a new lease of life after a common household blow.
Now, after reading this little story,
and you have a lamp of any kind,
a chandelier, rise and fall, lantern, wall or table lamp to name but a few, in need of a rewire, repair or restoring to their former glory, here's what to do.
Just remember Berland's, at 143 Gilmore Place Edinburgh, for lamp repairs and sales.
0131 228 6760..
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