A review of Age UK by Trevor T. Smith written on Monday 19th of July 2010
I am bringing my play "An Evening with Dementia" to the Edinburgh Fringe during August. I will be performing daily at 4.00 p.m. at the Raddison Hotel on the Royal Mile from August 6th until August 28th.
A trailer of the play is available on Youtube.
When it was first pre-viewed in Stroud, the local newspaper, Stroud Life, wrote: “ The play deals with issues of loss, disempowerment and old age. The wryly intelligent text astutely deconstructs the experience of an identity cut loose from the rest of the world by a lack of memory." I was asked by Stroud District Council to give performances for Social Workers and those caring for the elderly which were very well received. The feedback was that the carers found it helpful and enlightening. Nurses have also appreciated the show and a doctor wrote“This is a poignant, accurate and very funny cameo of what faces us all, whether we are player or observer. Trevor T. Smith says as much about the mind in old age as he does about how we perceive such conditions, and how we behave towards them. His piece makes us laugh, and while entertaining us, it gives us pause, and allows us to reflect.”
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