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"Job well done, at short notice."

A review of G M Motors by Sylvander written on Friday 13th of August 2010


My son bought a 10-year-old Honda Civic 1600iLS at the Livingston car auctions for 700 pounds.

Warning light was on, and rear door wouldn't open.

Took it to G M Motors about 2pm Wed.

Garage was a mess, but he had 2 lifts, with a car on each ongoing, and about 6 cars parked outside.

Good listner, courteous, helpful.

Took it to the big, clean, roomy garage next door, raised it on the lift and showed me the problem.

Corroded Catalytic Converter and sensor, and middle exhaust section.

Fixed both the exhaust [new parts] and rear door by 2pm the following day.

He'd quoted 260 pounds, but eventually charged only 220.

Son was delighted with the outcome.

Car running well..

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Map showing G M Motors on Mill Road Industrial Estate
