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"Flora Stevenson - great school great memories"

A review of Flora Stevenson Primary School by David Symon written on Wednesday 8th of September 2010


Just to reiterate what has been said by a couple of the commentators on Floras. I was there from 1954 to 1961 and was a classmate of Billie Penman who if I'm not mistaken came from Bangholm Place at Goldenacre.He'll remember me camping out in his garden a few times.

Like Billie I also travelled by bus to Floras because my mother was a bit of a snob who thought that because we lived in Crewe Road West we were too posh to send me to Royston and Floras had a great reputation!!

I must have have been in the same class as your anonymous commentator because the smallest and tallest girls in the class were Christine Newbold and Jeannette Kinnear. I can clearly remember other names like James Smith,Reginald Wilkinson Harold Gregory, David Durie, Moira Martin,and Lilian Osborne.

Those at the school will remember playground games such as British Bulldogs and Lavvy Ghosts as well as the break time take ons at football against the incomers from St Bernards School when it merged. Happy Days.

Teachers I remember were Miss Inglis, Mr Ferris Mrs McAuley and Miss Inglis the head mistress. They collectively got me through my eleven plus and I ended up with a degree from Liverpool University via Boroughmuir as we moved out to Colinton when I was 12.

I dont have a bad memory of Floras only positive ones. What a great school to send your kids to.

David Symon.

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Flora Stevenson Primary School

Map showing Flora Stevenson Primary School on Comely Bank Road
