A review of Portobello Toddlers Hut by Rosie written on Tuesday 3rd of May 2011
The Toddlers Hut in Portobello is a fantastic place to send you’re children to learn, play and develop friendships.
I was there on placement from college, when it was my first day there I felt right at home, by the time I had to leave it felt like I was leavening a tight knight family, that Id known for years, even though it was just a few short mouths.
I would defiantly recommend this nursery, for many years to come. The two people that need to be punted out for there exhalent teaching and encouragement is Karen and Catherine. They truly deserve to be known for there hard work and commitment to make shore that all the kids are well looked after. They are a fantastic nursery that is defiantly a 5 star place to send your kids.
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