A review of Casablanca by Mr G Langdon written on Friday 29th of July 2011
I was on my way home from work and I needed to get a Mother's Day card and gift. I had noticed this shop before and had spent many a while looking into the shop window, whilst waiting for my bus, but never popped in till then. I was warmly greeted by a voice from behind the counter. As I looked somewhat hazy in what to get my Mum, I was asked if I wanted some assistance. Then followed the best shopping experience ever. I was taken round the shop and shown a myriad of suggestions for gifts. I chose a card then a gift, and then went to the counter, where my gift was wrapped with so much care and attention, for free! and a further chat prevailed. I have been to this shop on many occasion, since, for all occasions of celebratory cards and gifts. I highly recommend this shop for variety of items and warmth and helpfulness of staff..
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