A review of Craigmillar Literacy Trust by Annamarie Causer written on Saturday 19th of November 2011
Greendykes - gone!
Harewood - vanished!
Wauchope - disappeared!
All in a stage of regeneration.
New houses, flats & building creations.
Now, at long last
there's real hope
for a better future.
Not damp and bleak.
For new blood who seek
something brand new.
No longer downtrodden and blue,
they can cope.
Even @ the newly furbished
White House
one's hard pressed to find a louse,
far less a cowering mouse.
The future is looking bright
The deprivation & blight
which struck the area
now almost firmly in the past.
The residents, heads held high
are having a real blast.
Copyright held @ AMC 2011.
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