A review of Blairs Castle by Dick Dasterly written on Monday 19th of November 2012
Really can’t believe some of the unqualified, unsubstantiated, ill-informed and to be honest legally questionable nonsense being submitted here.
None is based on fact and most are merely points of contentious opinion. For those who think the club is being financially mismanaged, I would really like to understand your logic. I have recently reviewed the last 8 years balance sheets and all tell the same story of a business whose revenue has slowly declined whilst its cost have continued to grow. Simple economics therefore determine that change must happen if the business is to survive and as with any other business it is natural to look at the biggest costs first. Given these facts what would you do?
I don’t think anyone would question the quality of the resident band we had however their price point was too high given the revenue generated on a Saturday night. Attendance has been slowly declining for some time and getting into an argument about who spends what or who attends more doesn’t fix that issue.
For those who criticise the members of Committee, I would ask two things. Firstly, would you rather no one tried to make a difference, to put something back into the Club, to give their time and support or would you not? Secondly, if as many have pointed out, you think the Committee are not up to the task and you are, why don’t you do something about it?
Doing nothing was not and remains not an option. For the Club to survive and prosper, which is what we all want I think, change is necessary. Purse strings must be pulled tighter, the business has to be slicker and the overall experience on offer to members and visitors alike needs to be varied and worthwhile.
You may not like the individual or the idea on all occasions but there are two things that are guaranteed. 1. The Club will go on and continue despite those who feel they are inflicting some form of punishment on the establishment by their non-attendance and 2. Using public forums like this to slate a Club you profess to like as well as slating individuals who are at least making some contribution will never fix anything.
Anyway, I must get off now as I have to get to the Club to help plan our next ill thought through money saving, member excluding devious plan!
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