A review of Blairs Castle by Ramsay Blair written on Monday 19th of November 2012
So anonymous from 11th November my maths are bad. If your saying the agency bands are £12000 plus say £2000 for Xmas and new year let me add that up. £12000 + £2000 = £14000 (if someone can double check that for me please. The last balance sheet I have showed the resident band were £44000 so thank you for clearing that up my maths are bad as I said we were saving £10000 when its actually £30000.
And I agree members and visitors help pay my salary but you should also remember there are six other days in a week that the club opens so its not the be all and end all if we have the occasional quiet Saturday as its only a fraction of our weekly takings.
Am off now to attend my maths class that I so desperately need .
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