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"'Pennies from Heaven'"

A review of Helen How by Julia Henderson written on Tuesday 15th of July 2014


I felt I must write a review on Helen's web page, to thank her for getting me mobilising again so speedily and to recommend her wholeheartedly to anyone with joint/muscle pain or loss/reduction in their mobility. After a long term grumbly knee suddenly decided it had had enough in May this year, I was shocked to find myself suddenly having great difficulty and pain with walking. I struggled on for 5 weeks, trying everything I knew was supposed to help - ice, rest, heat, elevation, support bandage, pain killers, anti-inflammatory tablets, creams, even regular bathes in the sea as I was in Tenerife for some of that time! - but all to no avail. Being 58 years of age, I thought that maybe this was the end of my active life. I felt quite depressed and worried, wondering if I'd ever be able to enjoy my love of walking and gardening again. However, now to the good news! Helen's new gentle shock wave machine literally put me in heaven! I felt so much better immediately after my hour treatment with Helen, which included using this new machine - her 'Pennies from Heaven'! By the next day, I was mobilising much easier and without pain. I started to go up and down stairs normally again and fully regained my walking ability, using the exercises and techniques Helen had shown me. After 16 days, I was able to enjoy a 9km walk around Loch Leven! I am very grateful indeed to Helen for having this amazing new treatment. It is well worth the pennies! Julia.

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Helen How

Map showing Helen How on Craighall Gardens
