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A review of Liberton Hospital by TRICIA BAGHERI written on Monday 22nd of February 2016


A huge THANK YOU to all the staff on wards 7 & 1 in Liberton Hospital Edinburgh.

My mother W. Fielding was admitted to Liberton after a fall that resulted in a broken hip and a 2 week stay at the RIE.

From the moment my mother entered Liberton Hospital the staff were professional, understanding and so kind. They asked me a ton of questions about her; her health, likes and dislikes, what would make her happy, calm and much more, this really gave them an understanding of the woman behind the broken hip.

She was admitted for rehabilitation but they addressed so many other health issues that had plagued her for years. They not only got her mobile with confidence, by the time she left hospital (6 weeks) she was in better health than we ever dreamed was possible. She also left with an 8 week course of outpatient’s appointments at their day hospital and a fabulous care package with equipment in her own home to make her life as comfortable and secure as possible.

Even the hospital layout is brilliant, huge wards divided into three smaller sub wards with 4 beds a piece, with loads of room for privacy. This allows the staff at all time to see all the patients and as importantly allows the patients to always see a member of staff, so reassuring when you are elderly, ill and sometimes afraid.

To just say ‘thank you’ is not enough and sorry if I miss yours name but thanks so much. Dr Coutts, staff nurses Louise, Janice, Ruth & Jennifer, Physio’s Claudia & Carol Ann, OT’s Casey, Louise & Rebecca, nurses Lynda, Liz, Faye, Janet Smith, Felli Raeburn, Yetti, Duncan and the lovely man who always has a joke when coming around with the patients cup of tea. So grateful, Tricia Bagheri.


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Liberton Hospital

Map showing Liberton Hospital on Lasswade Road
