A review of Helen How by Jane Christie written on Thursday 23rd of June 2016
I fell off my bike 18 months ago and injured my rotator cuff. After a number of weeks as my shoulder was becoming increasingly painful and imobile my GP gave me a cortesteroid injection which had no effect. I then saw a consultant by which time I could barely move my arm and was in an awful lot of pain, unable to sleep on the shoulder, continually wakened with it and any careless movement left me doubled up in excruciating pain. The consultant offered me a Distension Arthogram which I declined, and he said my shoulder would take between 2 and 5 years to heal. I went to a physiotherapist who sent me away as he said it was pointless trying to treat me as my pain was too high and movement too limited. Helen has treated my shoulder continually since that time and after only 1 year I was able to do a lot with my arm and was beginning to sleep without pain. I now use my arm normally and have regained my strength and 75% mobility, and only experience pain when I have done a lot of heavy lifting, gardening etc, but it goes away overnight! Thank you Helen you have made such a difference to my life..
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