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"Rude and dismissive member of staff"

A review of Planet Flowers by Pete T written on Wednesday 8th of February 2023


Can't comment on the quality of products or services but I was abruptly and dismissively scolded for attempting (or so this member of staff thought) to park in their car parking area. I was actually intending to visit City Plumbing next door and did not see there was an adjoining business to the right possibly because Planet Flowers sign was obscured by a high sided vehicle. Anyway I had only arrived to the right of the City Plumbing entrance and a vehicle facing me starts up and moves towards me which forces me to reverse to let them out. I thought I was being courteous but female driver winds down window and asks me what address I am going to - I tell her I am going to City Plumbing and she asks me in a rude and dismissive tone why I am parking in Planet Flowers car park and drives away without any time to even reply. It was only after this exchange that I saw there was a business to the right of City Plumbing called Planet Flowers. There was no clear demarcation or any signs saying which spaces were for which business and I was only feet to the right of where I 'should' have parked. There were plenty of spaces all around and it just felt like a general parking area for all the businesses. I felt I made an honest mistake which anyone could have made but was put in my place by a rude and impatient member of staff. As such, I moved my car, went into City Plumbing where two or three employees were refreshingly friendly and courteous unlike Planet Flowers..

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Planet Flowers

Map showing Planet Flowers on Stenhouse Mill Wynd
