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"Excellent community dance school where all children’s potential is nurture"

A review of Phelan School Of Dance by Anonymous written on Thursday 18th of July 2024


My child attends this dance school and has done so for 8 years.

There are so many opportunities she’s been given such as performing in a dance display, invited to theatre trips, participating in the Edinburgh Festival Cavalcade but most importantly is the friendships she’s made along the way and love she has for dancing.

The teachers and assistants are so supportive and friendly and their experience in dance shines through.

There are children in the school who have gone on to do great things in dance and at their recent show, some of them spoke, sharing that it was the schools ‘family’ which helped them to realise their dream and gave them the confidence and belief that they could achieve it.

It really is such a great dancing school and I feel so lucky that my child goes there..

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Phelan School Of Dance

Map showing Phelan School Of Dance on Newkirkgate