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"But did they replace or repare it ?"

A review of Mac Jewellery by Mac's jewellery fan written on Tuesday 12th of February 2008


Have just read Gigi's report on mac's jewellery, and wonder how or if the problem was resolved. I dont think that there is a business around that has never encountered a problem, from bad stitching on a garment to a loose stone in a peice of jewellery, but the measure of how good or bad a company is, is in how they deal with a problem or a set back. You've written a report that indicates people should not buy mac's jewellery, which to me seems a litle unfair, particularly as you havn't indicated if the braclet was fixed or not or what steps the company took to resolve your problem or if they even know about the problem. I myself have been given alot of jewellery from mac's and have never encountered any problems, as for the box being of more value than the jewellery, i dont think so. I would recommend mac's to anyone. .

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