Home > Edinburgh Street Index > Chamberlain Road

Chamberlain Road

Chamberlain Road is a road in South Edinburgh with a small number of businesses.


Chamberlain Care Home

Chamberlain Care Home is a retirement home providing residential and other facilities for senior citizens.

Address: 7-9 Chamberlain Road, Edinburgh, Midlothian, EH10 4DJ

Chamberlain Consultants

Chamberlain Consultants is a psychologist performing various therapeutic techniques relating to patients' minds and behaviour.

Address: 13a Chamberlain Road, Edinburgh, Midlothian, EH10 4DJ

Morningside United Church

Morningside United Church is a Christian church which hosts various religious services and other events for the local community.

Address: 15 Chamberlain Road, Edinburgh, Midlothian, EH10 4DJ


Map showing Chamberlain Road in Edinburgh.
