Home > Edinburgh Street Index > Glen Road

Glen Road

This page shows businesses on Glen Road. Click on a business to bring up its details and a map showing its location.


Dunwhinney Lodge Day Centre

Dunwhinney Lodge Day Centre is a day offering a hub for local community activities, events and other functions.

Address: Dunwhinney Lodge, Glen Road, Peebles, Peeblesshire, EH45 9AY

Dunwhinny Lodge

Dunwhinny Lodge is a retirement home providing residential and other facilities for senior citizens.

Address: Glen Road, Peebles, Peeblesshire, EH45 9AY

J & S Ruffell

J & S Ruffell is a supermarket selling a wide variety of food, drinks and household merchandise.

Address: 3 Glen Road, Peebles, Peeblesshire, EH45 9AX


Map showing Glen Road in Edinburgh.
