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Hartington Place

Hartington Place is a place in South Edinburgh with a small number of businesses , primarily guesthouses.


Accounting Services For Scottish Solicitors

Accounting Services For Scottish Solicitors is a legal company offering a variety of legal services.

Address: 3 Hartington Place, Edinburgh, Midlothian, EH10 4LF

Forth Canoe Club

Forth Canoe Club is a sports club where athletes can enjoy watching and taking part in sporting activities and events.

Address: 24 Hartington Place, Edinburgh, Midlothian, EH10 4LE


Mardale is a guest house offering a number of rooms, along with meals and other services, for guests.

Address: 11 Hartington Place, Edinburgh, Midlothian, EH10 4LF

Merlin Guest House

Merlin Guest House is a guest house offering a number of rooms, along with meals and other services, for guests.

Address: 14 Hartington Place, Edinburgh, Midlothian, EH10 4LE

Outlook Housing Ltd

Outlook Housing Ltd is a housing association providing a range of low cost social housing to people needing needing somewhere to live.

Address: 34 Hartington Place, Edinburgh, Midlothian, EH10 4LE


Reviews of Establishments on Hartington Place

Find out what people are saying about places on Hartington Place.

Register on ForthCC.Org - review of Forth Canoe Club by David Cuthill

If you want to learn more about canoeing in Scotland Please register on www.ForthCC.Org ForthCC.Org has a public face, but there's much more: people who have registered, can then log-in. Once you are logged in,... More »


Map showing Hartington Place in Edinburgh.
