Home > Edinburgh Street Index > Mall Avenue

Mall Avenue

This page shows businesses on Mall Avenue. Click on a business to bring up its details and a map showing its location.


Riverside Bar

Riverside Bar serves a variety of alcoholic drinks, soft drinks and food.

Address: 1-2 Mall Avenue, Musselburgh, Midlothian, EH21 7BL

Star Treatment

Star Treatment is a beauty salon providing various pampering services and beauty treatment.

Address: 6 Mall Avenue, Musselburgh, Midlothian, EH21 7BL


Tesco offers a range of groceries, alcoholic drinks, tobacco, furniture, household goods, books, toys, bakery, clothing, entertainment products, electrical goods and mail order items, as well as insurance and banking products.

Address: Mall Avenue, Musselburgh, Midlothian, EH21 7BL

Tesco Extra

Tesco Extra is a hypermarket selling most of Tesco's product ranges including food, drinks, toiletries, kitchen items, homewares, books, toys, furniture, electronic goods and clothing.

Address: Mall Avenue, Musselburgh, Midlothian, EH21 7BL

Tesco Petrol Filling Station

Tesco Petrol Filling Station provides different types of fuel including petrol and diesel from its forecourt, as well as a range of snacks, groceries, car accessories and other supplies from its shop.

Address: Tesco Extra, Mall Avenue, Musselburgh, Lothian, EH21 7BL



Map showing Mall Avenue in Edinburgh.
