Home > Edinburgh Street Index > Newton Church Road

Newton Church Road

This page shows businesses on Newton Church Road. Click on a business to bring up its details and a map showing its location.


Danderhall Community Clinic

Danderhall Community Clinic is a medical establishment providing a range of healthcare for patients.

Address: The Robetson Medical Centre, 85 Newton Church Road, Danderhall, Dalkeith, Midlothian, EH22 1LX

Danderhall Leisure Centre

Danderhall Leisure Centre is a fitness centre where customers can enjoy a wide range of exercise and leisure activities.

Address: Newton Church Road, Danderhall, Dalkeith, Midlothian, EH22 1LU

Danderhall Medical Practice

Danderhall Medical Practice is a GP who gives medical advice to ill and injured patients.

Address: 85 Newton Church Road, Danderhall, Dalkeith, Midlothian, EH22 1LX

Danderhall Pharmacy

Danderhall Pharmacy is a chemists' shop selling a range of pharmaceutical items and services.

Address: 71 Newton Church Road, Danderhall, Dalkeith, Midlothian, EH22 1LX

Danderhall Sub Post Office

Danderhall Sub Post Office is a post office which provides a range of mail services and also sells stationery and other convenience items.

Address: 61 Newton Church Road, Danderhall, Dalkeith, Midlothian, EH22 1LX


Eskside Bakery

Eskside Bakery is a bakers' shop serving a selection of bakery products including bread, confectionery and pastries.

Address: 63 Newton Church Road, Danderhall, Dalkeith, Midlothian, EH22 1LX


McColl's is a chain of convenience stores selling food, drinks, confectionery, magazines, toiletries and other household goods.

Address: 59-63 Newton Church Road, Danderhall, Dalkeith, Midlothian, EH22 1LX

Salon Sixty-Nine

Salon Sixty-Nine is a hair salon offering men's and women's hair services and hair products.

Address: 69 Newton Church Road, Danderhall, Dalkeith, Midlothian, EH22 1LX


Map showing Newton Church Road in Edinburgh.
