Home > Edinburgh Street Index > Rosebery Crescent

Rosebery Crescent

Rosebery Crescent is a crescent in West Edinburgh with a small number of businesses , primarily hotels.


Bernesdale Investments Ltd

Bernesdale Investments Ltd is a firm of property developers who handle a wide range of properties.

Address: 9a Rosebery Cr, Edinburgh, Midlothian, EH12 5JP

Bowen In Lothian

Soft tissue remedial therapy for pain relief.

Address: 15 Rosebery Crescent, Edinburgh, Lothian, EH12 5JY

Dickson Taxation

Dickson Taxation is a firm of accountants who specialise in tax advice.

Address: 9A Rosebery Crescent, Edinburgh, Midlothian, EH12 5JP

Metier Professional Recruitment

Metier Professional Recruitment is a recruitment agency which helps employers to fill vacancies and jobseekers to find work across various market sectors.

Address: 15 Rosebery Cr, Edinburgh, Midlothian, EH12 5JP

Newcross Nursing

Newcross Nursing is a nursing agency which supplies nurses and other healthcare professionals to hospitals, GPs' surgeries and other establishments across the health sector.

Address: 9A Rosebery Cr, Edinburgh, Midlothian, EH12 5JP


Newcross Nursing Agency

Newcross Nursing Agency is a nursing agency which supplies nurses and other healthcare professionals to hospitals, GPs' surgeries and other establishments across the health sector.

Address: 9A Rosebery Cr, Edinburgh, Midlothian, EH12 5JP

The Glenora Hotel

The Glenora Hotel is a hotel with a range of bedrooms and meals available.

Address: Rosebery Crescent, Edinburgh, Midlothian, EH12 5JY

The Rosebery Hotel

The Rosebery Hotel is a hotel which offers various facilities for guests and other customers.

Address: 13 Rosebery Cr, Edinburgh, Midlothian, EH12 5JY


Map showing Rosebery Crescent in Edinburgh.
